Conference LGBT World Beside 2024
Bridges of Refuge: Navigating Safety for LGBTQI+ Asylum Seekers from Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia (EECCA).
Short description (Eng):
This series of events explores the challenges faced by LGBTQI+ asylum seekers fleeing persecution in EECCA. Through panel discussions featuring policymakers, activists, and NGOs, and a film screening with Q&A, attendees will gain insights into support networks available in the Netherlands and strategies for promoting LGBTQI+ rights and safety. Join us in building bridges of refuge for all.
This event is organised by LGBT World Beside, a Netherlands-based charity supporting refugees from Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
“Unmasking Injustice: Unveiling the Persecution of LGBTQ+ community in Russia and the Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) region.
Join a critical panel discussion to hear firsthand accounts from refugees, along with insights from human rights experts and activists, about the discrimination and violence faced by the LGBTQ+ community in Russia and the Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia (EECCA) region.
This event aims to raise awareness, amplify the voices of those impacted, and spark dialogue on how to advocate for global action and support for LGBTQ+ rights in the region.
Rainbow Bridge to Refuge: Supporting LGBTQI+ Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands
Join a critical discussion about the challenges faced by LGBTQI+ refugees seeking safety in the Netherlands, who have fled persecution in their home countries.
Connect with policymakers and NGOs to strategize on support, shine a light on their struggles, and build a brighter future for this marginalized community.
Be a part of the solution! Network, discuss, and take action to ensure LGBTQI+ asylum seekers find a safe haven in the Netherlands.
FILM: Beyond the Rainbow: LGBTQI+ refugees in NL
Join us for a film screening exploring the journeys of LGBTQ+ refugees from Russia, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia seeking safety in the Netherlands.
The film sheds light on their experiences fleeing persecution and the challenges they face in building new lives.
More than just a film:
A panel discussion with experts and those involved will follow, offering insights and opportunities to learn how you can support LGBTQ+ refugees.
There is link registration: Bridges of Refuge: Navigating Safety for LGBTQ+ Asylum Seekers from EECCA region. Seekers from EECCA region.