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10 апр. 2019 г.
Pop star reveals horrors of Russian ‘purge’ of gay people: ‘We get beat down’.
ANDREA Di Giovanni has spoken out about the dark reality of living as a LGBTQ+ person in Russia. Below is a link to the song (YouTube)....

5 апр. 2019 г.
Tsjetsjeense homo getuigt voor het eerst over de horror: ‘Leef ik nog? Geen idee’.
Versie op EN. Aslan heeft een asielprocedure lopen in ons land, maar een normaal leven lijkt voor hem nog veraf. ‘Ik moet eerst mijn...
5 апр. 2019 г.
Chechen gay bears witness for the first time about the horror: ‘I Live yet? No idea’.
Version on NL. Aslan has an asylum procedure walk in our country, but to live a normal life seemed to him still far off.‘First I have my...

3 апр. 2019 г.
Europe politicians slam Russia for failing to tackle gay purge in Chechnya.
Dozens of LGBTI people have been locked up and several murdered. A protest in Berlin to stop the atrocities happening in Chechnya |...

28 мар. 2019 г.
Survivors of Chechnya’s homophobic purge reveal what happened to them.
These are the real stories of gay men who have been tortured, humiliated, beaten and electrocuted. Survivors of Chechnya’s homophobic...

23 мар. 2019 г.
«Chechnya: The Purge», a short film this Friday on France 3.
It will be necessary to watch late to see Chechnya: The Purge on France 3 this Friday. The short film about homophobic repression in...

21 мар. 2019 г.
TRIBUNE. No to the LGBTI massacre in Chechnya.
It is with impunity that Chechnya perpetuates a genocide against LGBTI + people with the complicity of Vladimir Putin. The European Union...

20 мар. 2019 г.
Trump administration is continuing to ignore Chechnya LGBTI crisis.
It costs thousands of dollars to evacuate a persecuted LGBTI person from Chechnya. Trump has proven numerous times to be unsupportive of...

20 мар. 2019 г.
Lawyers of Oyub Titiyev told about the falsification of his case.
Photo: Amnesty International On March 6, a press conference of lawyers and colleagues of human rights activist Oyub Titiyev took place in...

18 мар. 2019 г.
Lesbians are also being killed in Chechnya and no-one seems to care.
Lesbian and trans women are commonly murdered in honor killings. A woman forced to have an Islamic exorcism in Chechnya | Photo: The...

13 мар. 2019 г.
© Thiago Barletta (Unsplash) We met in a book and coffee bar in the Dutch city of Eindhoven. Harlem asks me not to use his last name in...
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