On July 2, 2022, LGBT World Beside organized a picnic for Russian-speaking LGBT+ people residing in the Netherlands. We are happy that this event attracts many people and is becoming a tradition. Thanks to the friendly atmosphere, people with similar cultural backgrounds can relax, socialize and make new friends. The event seems especially valuable for those who have lived in the Netherlands for less than five years.

Thanks to our enthusiastic volunteers, this year we provided homemade lunch together with drinks, snacks and games. We are also grateful to Amnesty International Nederland and our (anonymous) donors for their financial support.

The picnic started after 14:00 and lasted until about 21:00, with almost a third of the participants being present all this time. Participants were from different Post-Soviet countries (Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, etc.). There were also a few Dutch people. People mostly socialized and danced. Some were playing badminton, volleyball and other ball games. The weather was mostly sunny and without rain. After the picnic, some participants went clubbing at the Amsterdam center.

LGBT World Besides aims to continue organizing picnics for Russian-speaking LGBT people at least once a year.